Course Syllabus

Midland College 

PSYC 2301 General Psychology 

3 semester credit hours (3 lecture/no lab) 

Dawn Waggoner 

Office hours: Wednesdays at 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM through Canvas and as needed individually 

Course Description: 

Introduction to Psychology deals with the scientific study of the basic principles of human behavior and thought.  The focus is on a wide variety of topics including human development, perception, thought and memory, emotion, and the social interactions of people in their everyday lives.  Psychological disorders and therapy are briefly introduced.  The student should gain insight into how behaviors, cognitive processes, and emotions help solve adaptive problems in their own lives. 


Psychology 2e from OpenStaxLinks to an external site., ISBN 978-1-975076-45-0 

You have several options to obtain this book: 

Student Learning Outcomes: 

  1. Identify various research methods and their characteristics used in the scientific study of psychology. 
  1. Describe the historical influences and early schools of thought that shaped the field of psychology. 
  1. Describe some of the prominent perspectives and approaches used in the study of psychology. 
  1. Use terminology unique to the study of psychology. 
  1. Describe accepted approaches and standards in psychological assessment and evaluation. 
  1. Identify factors in physiological and psychological processes involved in human behavior. 

Attendance Policy: 

As this is an online course, student attendance is shown through the weekly discussions. Please contact me concerning challenges in this area.  

Withdrawal Policy: 

Students who have enrolled in a Texas public institution of higher education as a first-time freshman in fall 2007 or later are permitted to drop no more than six courses during the entire undergraduate career.  This limit includes all transfer work taken at a Texas institution of higher education and to second baccalaureate degrees.  This statute was enacted by the State of Texas in spring 2007 (Texas Education Code 51.907).  Any course that a student drops after Census Day is counted toward the six-course limit if “(1) the student was able to drop the course without receiving a grade or incurring an academic penalty; (2) the student’s transcript indicates or will indicate that the student was enrolled in the course; and (3) the student is not dropping the course in order to withdraw from the institution.” Please visit the Midland College CatalogLinks to an external site. for further information. 

Scholastic Dishonesty:  

Midland College does not tolerate scholastic dishonesty or academic misconduct in any form.  Please read the MC Student Handbook on this subject. Please visit the Midland College CatalogLinks to an external site. for further information. 

Student Expectations: 

I ask that you take responsibility for your learning: Read, complete the activities, and communicate with me. 

Evaluation of students: 

Assignment Type 

Percentage of grade 

Projects (End of unit for illustrating knowledge) 


Discussion Forums 


Final Exam/Paper 


Course schedule: 

Please review the syllabus calendar for general due dates. These dates will not change unless we need more time to cover. 


Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact Shep Grinnan as soon as possible. Mr. Grinnan’s office is located in the Scharbauer Student Center Building. These conditions may include documented physical or educational disabilities. Please be aware that services or accommodations are not automatic. Each student must request them and secure the proper authorizations/documentation. 

NON-DISCRIMINATION STATEMENT: Midland College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. For information and inquiries regarding Midland College’s non-discrimination policies, go to: 

For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit the Office of Civil Rights website, or call 1 (800) 421-3481. 

DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES: Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements to meet course requirements should contact disabilities support services as soon as possible at: 

Conditions may include documented physical or educational disabilities. Please be aware that services or accommodations are not automatic. Each student must request them and secure the proper authorizations/documentation. Accessibility Links can be found on the Pages tab in Canvas.  

DIVISION OFFICE: Social & Behavioral Sciences; MHAB 176; 685-6829 

Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences and Business:  Frank DeLaO MHAB 176, 432-685-6830 

Division secretary:  MHAB 176, Angela Dolaptchieva and Adelle Dowling 

Division phone:  432-685-6829 or 685-6830 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due