MRKG 1311.jpg


Following are the steps to take to stay organized in the class:

  • At the beginning of each week - Go to Modules through this link or the menu on the left (This is where you will see what is required, where you will submit assignments, etc.)
  • Each time you enter the class - Go to Announcements. Go to Discussions and check Ask The Instructor and for new entries.
  • Discussion response etiquette - ALWAYS begin your reply by addressing the person to whom you are replying (ex: Hi, John.), and add your name at the end of your reply.

IMPORTANT! Because the Discussions list is very long, you may find it easiest to access your discussions through the Modules menu item (go to the appropriate week, and click on the first discussion item - then click NEXT in the bottom right corner to go to the next discussion), rather than scrolling through the list in the Discussions menu as we go through the weeks.

Click here to review the syllabus for this course. To begin the course on the right foot, It is imperative that you read the syllabus document listed below. Beyond text and key purchase materials details, it describes the course content, course schedule/deadlines, and each course assignment in detail.  

MRKG 1311 Syllabus 2015-2016.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due